Intercropping System of Maize with Different Winter Vegetables


  • M. H. Hossain BARI
  • Shamal Kumar Bhowal BARI
  • A. S. M. M. R. Khan BARI



Intercropping, Maize (Zea mays), vegetables, profitability


The experiment was conducted at farmers’ fields of Hqripur in Dauadkandiupzilla underOn- Farm Research Division of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Comilla during the rabi seasons of 2012-13 and 2013-14 toevaluate the performance of maizeunder intercropping with different winter vegetables. The experiment comprised of four treatments viz., Maize + Spinach, Maize + Red amaranth, Maize + Coriander and Sole maize with four replications. Results revealed that each of maize- vegetables intercropping combinations showed superior in terms of gross return,net return, BCR and Maize equivalent yield (MEY) over sole cropping of maize. The highest grain yield of maize (9.61 t ha-1) was obtained fromMaize + coriander due to the highest contribution of yield contributing characters and lowest (7.8 t ha-1) yield was received from the treatment of maize + red amaranth intercropping system, where the sole maize produced second highest yield.The highest Maize equivalent yield (12.85 t ha-1), gross return (Tk. 128500 ha-1), net return (Tk. 80080 ha-1) and BCR (2.65) were found in the intercropping system Maize + Spinach which indicated the advantage of intercropping over the sole Maize cropping.



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Author Biographies

  • M. H. Hossain, BARI

    Senior Scientific Officer, On- Farm Research Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Comilla, BANGLADESH

  • Shamal Kumar Bhowal, BARI

    Scientific Officer, On- Farm Research Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Comilla, BANGLADESH

  • A. S. M. M. R. Khan, BARI

    Chief  Scientific Officer, On- Farm Research Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, BANGLADESH


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Peer-reviewed Article

How to Cite

Hossain, M. H. ., Bhowal, S. K. ., & Khan, A. S. M. M. R. . (2016). Intercropping System of Maize with Different Winter Vegetables . Malaysian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 3(2), 91-94.